
The Clerk and Treasurer of the Town of Saratoga are responsible for all duties imposed on the office by federal, municipal code and state law. Duties include financial planning, procurement and investment of funds, preparing budgets and financial statements, recording minutes, adhering to publication requirements and maintaining custody of all proceedings related to the municipal government. As public servants, it is their duty to greet the public and answer any concerns or questions you may have. The office acts to assist all municipal departments, boards and commissions.

The Assistant Clerk assists the Town Clerk and Treasurer with their clerical and administrative needs.

If we can be of assistance, please feel free to call the Town Hall or any department supervisor.

Email the Town Hall

Staff Contacts

Name Title Phone
Corina Daley Town Treasurer 307-326-8335
Jennifer Anderson Town Clerk 307-326-8335
Brenda Mistelske Assistant Clerk 307-326-8335

Staff Contacts

Jennifer Anderson


Corina Daley


Brenda Mistelske

Assistant Clerk